Friday, November 21, 2014

Why You Should Choose Organic Baby Toys

Can you tell if your baby's toys are safe for him/her? Are these toys natural and organic? Are they made from sustainable sources, renewable wood or recyclable cloths? Are you sure that the toys are chemical-free, lead-free or made without any harmful substances that your baby might ingest?

Well, the reason why I am asking these questions is because I came across this article entitled "Why You Should Choose Organic Baby Toys". I believe that this article is very helpful to all moms out there that are planning to buy toys for their babies this coming Christmas.

I know that every mom's concern is the safety of their child. This means that reading the article will surely make a difference for all moms and babies out there. Read the article now and make a difference -> Why You Should Choose Organic Baby Toys

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Review Of Green Tones Race Car Whistle

Green Tones Race Car Whistle

How many of us liked to play with toy cars when we were little? Toy cars provided us with a lot of entertainment because we could pretend race with friend’s right? Sometimes we would trade the race cars we had with someone else if they had a car we liked. But the main focus was on collecting as many as possible. How many little boys do you see nowadays collecting toy cars? Not too many right? No, what you see instead is the following:
·       Children being bombarded with advertisements for fancy race cars that have remote controls. These cars are very fancy, but they are also easy to damage. Children will race them into walls or cause them to slam into other toy cars. Plus they need batteries frequently. These types of race cars are very expensive and noisy to have around.

·       Children getting away from playing with race cars altogether, and instead playing video games that involve race cars instead. These video games come in hand held form and can be very addicting. What does this cause? It causes your kids to not want to go outside and interact with other children. It also makes them lazy. This isn’t what you want is it?

·       Children focusing on getting the super high priced cars they can actually sit in and drive. These types of toys are not only extremely expensive, but can cause a lot of problems. They are meant to be used outside, but how much are you going to trust your kid to play with such an item outdoors. Storing them in the house can also be a nightmare along with getting it out so your child can play with it.

Kids need to get back to basics so the can not only have more fun, but have fun in a safe way. That’s what your kids will get with the Green Tones Race Car Whistle.  The Green Tones Race Car Whistle is such a good toy because it doesn’t sell itself based on being flashy or having any kind of fancy gimmicks. It won the Dr. Toy’s Best Green Toy Award so what does that tell you?
This 6” rubberwood race car whistle has very large wheels, which makes it easy to glide over different surfaces. It’s a multi-play toy as well. Your kids will be able to use it as a race car or use it as a whistle. The whistle is very simple to use and not too loud.
The Green Tones Race Car Whistle might not have the fancy designs as other cars out there, but this is a good thing. This means it doesn’t have any of the harmful coatings. It’s environmentally friendly and the coat is put on using a non-toxic clear coat finish along with water based VOC free paint.
Basic information
·       Recommended for ages 2 and up.
·       Manufactured by: Green Tones
·       EcoScore: 95
If your goal is to get your child away from all those other race car toys they see advertised on television and instead get them into something simpler, then the Green Tones Race Car Whistle is certainly an option you want to consider. It costs $19.99, but this is what you can expect to pay for top quality and expert craftsmanship. Small children might struggle at first to get accustomed to this toy if they’ve been exposed to fancier race cars, but in time it will grow on them. This is certainly a simple toy that any child can use without worrying about damaging it. It’s built really tough.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Review Of Wooden Lawn Mower Vacuum Push Toy

What type of toys do you let your kids play with now? Chances are you really don't give it much thought. Toy options these days are so plentiful and toys are so cheap. Your kid probably has a closet full of toys that they barely even touch anymore. Well here's an idea. How about you get rid of some of those unwanted toys and give the Wooden Lawn Mower Vacuum Push Toy a try. I believe parents will love it for many reasons. Now I'm serious about what I buy for my kids and I want them to have something that will help them in various ways. When I see this sort of value the choice becomes clear.

I had to give it some thought because of the price. Even though this toy is environmentally friendly and safe for kids I still wanted a little bit more in order to pull the trigger on ordering. After thinking about it I came up with several ways the Wooden Lawn Mower Vacuum Push Toy is going to have value moving forward for kids and parents alike. I've put together a list and I want you to see if any of this means anything to you:

  •   Do you want your kid to learn to like doing choirs such as mowing the grass? Think about it. Right now your kids probably don't like doing choirs and they certain are going to be resistant to the idea of mowing the grass. If your kids are too small to do choirs then even better. If you get this Wooden Lawn Mower Vacuum Push Toy  you can start conditioning them now. When kids are able to experience pretend  play when it comes to certain things, they will naturally grow up to have good feeling about doing the real thing.
  • Do you want your kids to learn value lawn care? Now I know this might sound a little out of whack, but think about it. Your small kids start playing with this toy and pretty soon they want to participate with mommy or daddy when their out doing the real thing. They will probably ask questions and you'll be able to answer them. It gives you a great chance to teach them an important life skill.
  • Do you want your kids using this Wooden Lawn Mower Vacuum Push Toy as a means to help them like the real thing? It doesn't stop here. What about those kids who would enjoy the task so much that they would want to go out and perform it for others for a price? Sure, your kids might be too small for you to think this far ahead, but it's a possibility. Pretending to mow a lawn using this EcoToy will not only lead to them liking the real thing and liking it soon, but wanting to make money doing it for others.

Who is this toy really best for?

The Wooden Lawn Mower Vacuum Push Toy works good to entertain small toddlers as well as experienced walkers. It's a very nice looking push toys that's manufactured in America by Pure Play Kids in Tennessee at the Toyworks Woodshop.  Kids will be able to use this organic toy to pretend mowing grass or vacuuming the floors. It's made to be very durable, nice looking, enjoyable and safe.

Additional information:
  • Product is about  23-1/2 in height and about 9 inches in length
  • Product is created using Maple wood along with non-toxic finish that's safe for kids
  •  Product is best for children that are 1 years of age or older
  • Cost is $39.99
  • Product is made by Pure Play Kids
  • EcoScore is 95


All in all I feel parents are going to love their kids having this Wooden Lawn Mower Vacuum Push Toy. Not only is this organic toy fun to play with, but it helps teach children about doing various choirs.